Where will my lawnmower be delivered?
  • The delivery service is known as LAST MILE DELIVERY
  • We do not deliver to your door we deliver to your nearest servicing dealer.
  • Why? Your local dealer carries the factory warranty for all of our machines and is trained and qualified to support our products.
  • All customer will have to nominate an approved dealer and collect the machine from the dealer’s outlet.
  • The dealer will assemble the machine, complete a pre delivery service and show the customer the basics of the machine
How long will it take to get my lawnmower?
  • Fast moving items such as Cylinder Mowers, Hivacs and Rolux Magnums average 2 – 5 working days as they are ex stock.
  • Specialised Products are made to order and can take up to 2 weeks.
Do the lawnmowers have a warranty?

For domestic use all machines have a 1 year factory warranty. For commercial use we offer a 3 month factory warranty. All machines carry a guarantee against factory fault.